Everyone can EARN in MONSTERRA P2E : 10 ways to earn

Wahid Ramadhan Si.
10 min readJun 6, 2023


Monsterra is one of the best F2P cryptogame i ever play. This game running on Multichain network such as Binance Smart Chain(BSC), Avalanche Network, and OKX Chain so you can choose which network that you want to use while playing the game. They have 3 currency $MAG, MAG, and MSTR $MAG is in game currency that you can use just for ingame purposes, MAG is the secondary token in mosterra for reward payout token, and MSTR is Multi-chain token that we can use for interacting with Monsterra metaverse like NFT transaction, Community event and De-Fi Utility.

I have been playing Monsterra since mainnet launch, a bit late to know this amazing game though but i never bored to play it till now because they have really good gameplay and ecosystem, amazing graphics visualization and many possible ways to earn your profit even with no initial investment in this game. You need to setup your strategy to enjoy the game and your long-term profit. and heres 10 ways that you can follow to earn in this game based on my experiences during playing this game :

1. Battlefront Mode (28 days per season)

Battlefront Gameplay

This is player v player mode, in this mode you can destroy other player’s base to 60% damage rate to win the battle and robe the source from other player such as $MAG and food using 7 mongens and you have to defend your base too from other players attack with defender military plot like military camp, wachtower, Turret, and Lanmine. The goals of this mode is to reach 300 top Global rank until the end of the season and you will be able to get MSTR on the reward pool and some free item from the dev as a reward to completed the mission. So all you need to do to is:

  • Build a strong squad that contain 7 strong mongens. to create strong mongen u have to level it up and evolve the higher level and stars the more stronger mongen you get and increasing your posibilities to win the battle.
  • Level up your plot for defense bcause the higher level of plot the more benefit u will get like increasing the HP so it makes the plot more hard to destroy.
  • Use the decoration benefit to increasing your mongens and plot significantly, there are a lot decoration with many effect that you can use in every mode in Monsterra like invasion or defence even all game mode decoration.
  • Make sure your mongen morale status is good so the mongens can perform in their best shape

2. Boss Challenge Mode

Boss Challenge Mode Gameplay

In this mode you can deploy 6 mongen into a formation to deal the damage with creature called boss. there are several stages that depending on your mongen damage to the boss, every stages have the milestones if you can reach it and you will get like pigment, decoration box, and MAG as a reward. you can use those reward to make your profit by selling in on the marketplace like selling the decoration box or decoration plot to get MSTR. all you need to do is reach the higher milestone so you will be able to get many reward as possible from the boss and heres some tips for you:

  • Set your mongen in their best performance like set their best troops with big damage deal.
  • Use the Invasion decor to increasing your mongens stat damage.
  • Read the boss condition carefully so you can figure it out what to do to counter the boss condition and get the higher deal damage.
  • Make sure your mongen morale status is good so the mongens can perform in their best shape

3. Abbys Tower Mode (14 days per season)

Abbys Tower Lobby

Abbys mode is quite similar with the Boss Challenge Mode, but in abbys tower there are 72 floor and you will be able to face a different kind of boss type and condition in every floor. The more floor you pass the stronger boss you have to fight. the goals from this mode are to get many stars from every floors and you can use the stars to buy an item like bundle in abbys store. The bundle contain many kind of nfts plot that you will have a change to get and you can sell those nfts on the marketplace for MSTR or burn it on the MAG Vault for getting a bunch of MAG. Here’s the tips for you to beat many boss:

  • Prepare many race and rarity of mongens as you can and make sure they already reach their best performance level.
  • Set the tanky or bulky mongen like Beast in the front row because they can take huge damage and set your damage deal mongens like mystic and chaos in the back row because they will be able to attack the boss with higher damage
  • Use the support mongens such as Celest to heal your mongens while on the battle or use the tectos to reduce the enemy damage while your mongens on the battle and you can set them in the middle row
  • Make sure if your mongens morale status is happy or very happy so the stat will increasing while battle with the boss.

4. Arena Mode (28 days per season)

Arena Mode Gameplay

Arena mode is quite similar with Battlefront mode but in this mode you will be able to fight another players mongens in real-time. this mode have the reward pool that you can get in the end of season. you will bea able to bring 6 mongen every battle and u can set up a maximum 3 team to face another players mongen team. This mode have a special features like races and rarity can trigger the effect so you have to set the good team to activated the milesstone effect. also, they have runes that you can use per mongen to activated the individual effect from the mongen through runeword. There are 2 modes to enter the arena battle. first you can use 5 energy to fight the other and u will bea able to get ELO a.k.a medal, the more medals you get the higher your rank and the second you can bet MSTR to fight against other player and you can get the 85% of bet if you win the match. here’s the tips for use to winning the fight on the arena mode:

  • Use the stronger mongen and atleast use the 2 type mongens like support x damage dealer or tanker x damage dealer. it will help you durung the battle
  • Use the arena mode or all game mode decoration to boost your mongens stat.
  • Set your best formation on the battle field will impact your winning change.

5. MAG Vault

MAG Vault Interface

MAG vault is quite new earning feature from monsterra to answer many issue from other players who cannot claim MAG reward at all. This feature work based on the players accumulative spending and burn point. MAG Vault is designed to re-balance the profit-claiming stream and equalize all the MAG rewards for players based on their contribution to the pool. so yeah, you will be able to get MAG from this MAG Vault pool by burning ur NFTs that you have from other mode you have been played in monsterra and here’s the way how you can do that:

  • Exchange MAG essence you got from daily quest+ to Red Lantern/Secreat Deal in the exchange Pool and use the nft you get from it to burn on the MAG Vault and you will get MAG as a reward for 28 days.
Step to Earn with MAG Vault via Daily Quest+ Mission
  • You can buy the NFTs from marketplace to burn on the MAG Vault too.
Step to Earn with MAG Vault via Burn Marketplace Item
  • Use the bundle and chest from Fight mode to get MAG through MAG Vault.
Step to Earn with MAG Vault via Fight Mode Reward

6. Legend Isla

Legend Isla

Legend Isla is made for enrich Monsterra Players Earnigs besides Monsterra. You can earn in this with a simple gameplay and no strategic battle plans, all you need to do is staked your spare NFT atleast 1 lancore, 1 food storage, 1 habitat, and 1 mongen to mine Fungible Tokens (FTs) named Elixir and Mutated gen and you can sell those FTs on the marketplace to gain MSTR too. heres the step to get FTs in a good way:

  • The rarer your NFTs and Mongens, the better the mining speed.
  • Use higher Habitat to open more slot for mongen and plot and you will be able to reach the higher power minting.
  • Staked NFT that have huge power to minting the token. especially for the plot, you can staked Hatchery, breeding den, Turret, Watchtower, and military camp

7. New Event

Monsterra Event Webpage

Monsterra have so many event that you can join to earn more profit such as Daily Login, MAG Accumulative speding, TOP MAG Spender, MSTR Accumulative Spending, TOP MSTR Spender, Super Farmer, Raffle Event, Trading Camp Event, Mongens Creator and etc. There is a lot kind of event that doesn’t need Insvestment to join at all and you still be able to get a reward, like:

  • Super farmer event
Super Farmer Event and Reward

In this event you just have to reach the milestone of harvests times and you will be able to get the corresponding reward that u can sell on the marketplace or use it to maximize your earn

  • Daily Login Event
Daily Login Event and Reward

On the Daily login event you have to Login on the time period ad finish at least 2 task everyday and you will be able to claim a reward. You can use the Food reward to grow your mongens and ticket for participated on the raffle event.

  • Raffle Event
Raffle Event Webpage

On this event you have to collected a ticket to submit it on the raffle, and u can submit the ticket as many as you want to. The more ticket u submit the more chance to win the reward you have. you can get those kind of ticket from the other event that have ticket as the reward. if you lucky enough you can get about 400k MAG as jackpot from general ticket. here is the trick to higher your winning chance on this raffle event

_Follow the event that have epic ticket, global ticket or general ticket as their reward, because on those ticket pool is quite few participant so your winning change can almost get 100% to win.

_Submit ticket as many as you can to higher your winning rate chance.

and you can sell for MSTR or burn the NFT reward that you get from raffle event for MAG

8. Join Lottery (Lucky Wheel and Mongens Racing)

Lottery event

There are 2 kind of lottery event, Mongen Racing and Lucky Wheel. On the mongen racing you have to put your min 100 MAG for betting on the mongen that have high winning chance and on the Lucky Wheel you have a chance to winning the MAG jackpot from the pool which collected from the players that have been participated on it and there are 3 kind of spin that you can do based on the cost of mag that have to put for spinning the wheel. I have tips for you to doing this things in good way:

_On the mongen racing you can choose 2 or 3 mongens that have good statistic first and try to put your bet on them.

_For lucky wheel if you have quite few MAG balance you can try to participate on the silver Jackpot. Here’s my advice due to small chance of winning the Jackpot better to use your MAG to upgrade your base and grow your mongen stronger than join this event though. But if you want to win the food from this event maybe its okay bacause the reward food is quite much and pretty fas to get than farming it. hehehe

9. Breeder and Trader

The purest and the higher mongen stat will be really pricey to but the bad one is not. so if you wanted to be a mongen breeder you need to undestand about mongens DNA first bacause it will be your basic knowledge about breeding a good mongen to get a better one. and you will be able to sell it at the higher prices for profit.

Breeding Simulation

10. Marketplace Flipper

To be a Marketplace flipper maybe the easiest way to gain the profit but its quite tricky because you have to know which NFTs have fair prices and which don’t. besides that you also have to know about when is the right time to buy and when is the right time to resell it for profit.

Flip Price Example

That is 10 ways to earn in Monsterra P2E Game based on my experiences during playing this game. Suprisingly theres is more ways out there that i am not discover it yet. Cheerss!!

er.wahid12@gmail.com/Ingame ID 102157/#Monsterra #MSTR

